Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Here are a couple of photos from Halloween. It was a lovely, warm day, which was such a nice surprise! Costumes were also a nice surprise. The girls wanted to go as two of the Hex Girls, which is a girl rock band on one episode of Scooby Doo. Of course, nobody had costumes even remotely close to Hex Girls and by the time they had settled on the Hex Girls, I just didn't have time to sew anything.

Luckily, Nora changed her mine at the last minute and decided to be a witch, wearing a costume out of their enormous dress up collection. I took Dana shopping on Thursday and we searched high and low for something suitable for those darn Hex Girls. She was NOT satisfied with the selection. However, I was able to talk her into being a hula girl. She spent most of the summer in the hula costume at home, so it wasn't much of a stretch. We just bought a new lei and a pretty flower thing for her hair and were good to go.

Posing on the hay bale outside our door pre-trick or treating. You've never seen a hula girl with a magic wand before? We heard that comment a lot last night. Dana did not care.

We did have an unfortunate incident with the wand at bedtime. It cracked somehow and spilled weird glowing liquid all over Dana's bed. She got it on her hands and then, of course, rubbed her eyes. Non-toxic but it still hurt. And the blanket? Weirdest thing I have done in a long time. I took it into the laundry room, laid it on the floor, turned out the light so the liquid would glow, and soaked the spots in stain remover. With the lights on, it was hard to see where it had spilled since it was yellow. But the package said it stains so I had to put in some elbow grease. It was just weird in the dark. Very spooky.

Dana is trying to demonstrate some hula dancing but it is hard to capture in a photo.

After half an hour, Dana told me, "I have enough candy." She was freezing and wanted to go back to Auntie's house. It actually worked out perfectly since Zak had plans and was leaving at 6:30, and Dana made her declaration at 6:30. We just went back and handed out candy and accepted compliments on their awesome Halloween display in the yard. Boo!

1 comment:

RosaMarĂ­a said...

Preciosas... Un poco de miedo, pero divertidas.