Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Sliding Race

Friday was an early release day at Nora's school. They have an early release once a month so teachers can do staff development. So on Friday, rather than coming home a couple of hours early, Nora went on a field trip with her Brownie troupe. They went on a sleigh ride and had a blast! When I got to the school at 5:45 to pick Nora up, the troupe leader had the kids busy sliding down the hill on their butts. It's a pretty neat hill-there is actually one of those tube slides that goes down the hill, and a stairway to easy the trip back up. The winter picnic was a couple of weeks ago at school, and a group of parents spent an evening sculpting this fantastic snow hill for one of the activities. Nora was too scared to go down it on a sled because sleds kept flipping over and throwing kids off. Most kids seemed happy with this outcome, but not Nora. However, after sliding down it on her butt that evening, she hasn't been able to talk about much else. She has been begging and begging to go back to school to slide down the hill. They aren't allowed to at recess because it isn't RIGHT on the playground and the monitors can't be in two places at once.

So anyhow, we went yesterday after school and a lovely time was had by all. Please enjoy the seconds-long race between Kevin and Nora. Kevin had a fun night of ibuprofen and pain in strange places but reports that he is feeling better today.

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