Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Our friend Ayla is really into theater. She is always singing show tunes and dancing, and is frequently in costume. Last year, when she turned 4, she had a Peter Pan birthday party, complete with a special visit from Captain Hook.

This year, the theme was the Wizard of Oz.

As I was washing my hair one morning last week, I was thinking about the upcoming party and what kind of bag to sew for Ayla's gift. I knew there was red Fairy Frost fabric at the store, which would be perfect since it's shiny, and I was trying to remember if there was blue and white gingham. I was toying with this idea when it hit me: cupcakes!

I am so happy that Tara, Ayla's mom, accepted my offer to handle the cupcakes. She acted like I was doing her a favor, when really she is the one who was doing me a favor by indulging my cupcake crazy. Do you see the sparkles on the ruby slipper cupcakes?

Callie, Tara's sister, made this amazing rainbow pinata. She is so talented! Ayla looks so cute in her Dorothy costume and purple camo, doesn't she?

And really, what Wizard of Oz birthday party is complete without a visit from the Wicked Witch? Someone pointed out last night that Captain Hook and the Wicked Witch must have the same hairdresser...

I never did make the Dorothy bag. Ayla had fallen for a cherry bag she saw at my Fall Fest table, so I gave that to her instead. But the Dorothy bag is still percolating in my brain.

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