Tuesday, July 14, 2009


On Saturday night, my sister and her husband were gracious enough to host a campout in their backyard. For the kids, you see.

Luckily, they have a ginormous tent. I know you can't really tell, but this beast has three rooms! Which is good, because it was home to seven grade schoolers for the night. Yes, seven.

No campout would be complete without some marshmallow toasting! There was some fun discussion about how people like their marshmallows done: flambe, golden brown or pale.

I tried to get a shot of all seven sticks in the fire, but I was too slow.

Nora is almost caught up on her sleep again, after falling asleep after midnight and waking up at 7am. I asked her what she liked best about the campout, and her answer surprised me: holding the baby. She spent half an hour holding the neighbors' 7 week old son and she would now like a brother of her own. Thanks, neighbors! She's more likely to get a pony!

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